

허서 there와 결함 t의 일치관계


The Agree Relation of the Expletive there and Tdef


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to inquire what formal feature the expletive there and Tdef possess and why the EPP phenomenon takes place. In the Agree theory in Chomsky (1999, 2000), the Agree of the features is the most important operation. The Agree relation consists of identifying probe and goal, giving value to them, agreeing and deleting them. The probe whose features are uninterpretable searches for the goal having matching features with the probe. If the features of the probe and those of the goal match, they agree and then delete. Chomsky (1999, 2000) argues that the expletive there has only uninterpretable [person]-feature to satisfy EPP, and Tdef also has uninterpretable [person]-feature and EPP-feature, and through the Agree relation between uninterpretable [person]-feature of the expletive there and the uninterpretable feature of probe, the relation between the movement of the expletive there and the associate NP is shown. According to Chomsky (1999, 2000), I may predict incorrectly that the derivations of the expletive there constructions such as in the Raising and in the ECM are crashed. Thus, to solve the problems, exceptional explanations are needed. In this paper, I argue that Tdef has no [person]-feature but only EPP-feature, and the expletive there has only the Case-feature to activate Agree. With the above suggestion, the problems occurring on the expletive there constructions in Chomsky (1999, 2000) can be solved, and through the simplification of the analysis, the Economy Principle that Minimalist Program has pursued can be satisfied significantly.


1. 서론
 2. 허사 there의 일치관계
 3. 분석과 제안
  3.1. 인상구문의 일치관계
  3.2. ECM 구문의 일치관계
 4. 결론


  • 조인철 In-cheul Cho. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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