

유비쿼터스 디지털 문학: 하이퍼텍스트


Ubiquitous Digital Literature: Hypertext


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since “ubiquitous” emerged as a new growth engine in digital media technology and contents service, it has induced a revolutionary paradigm shift in our contents system, especially causing structural changes in literature. The study figures out what ubiquitous media is doing with digital skills and service and how to develop literary contents, especially hypertext, in such ubiquitous environment. In media receiver's environment, ubiquitous digital literature service includes digital TV, DMB, Net Streaming, iTV, data service, IPTV, and even any resources with intelligent computing devices put in. U-broadcasting system hereat needs to be recognized as service, with u-TV as a home media server which acts as a home gateway, a local storage and a home networking hub, systematically connected to related intelligent actors, that can be chosen to build up effective hypertext in digital literature. In hypertext, it is no surprise that technical use in CM has been growing to see how digital media technology has been applied in the digital literature in terms of research themes, data sources, and methodological refinements. Hypertext content and structure have been applied to real life situation across the reality of digital media and its networking environment, the so-called ubiquitous computing system working in actual life. Conclusively, enhancing the utility of hypertext will go with growing digital technology.




  • 양병현 Byung-Hyun Yang. 상지대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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