

산업재해 장애인의 사회적 지지에 관한 연구


The Social Support of the Handicaped in Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance

이현주, 오진주, 최정명, 현혜진, 윤순녕

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Rehabilitation has emerged in recent years as major topic for the handicaped in industrial accident compensation insurance(IACI). Specially social support helps the handicaped adjust themselves psychosocially to handicap. This study was conducted to examine different contents and perceived social support, and provide guidlines for specific and proper rehabilitation for the handicaped of IACI. This study is a descriptive study which were collected through two phases using structured questionnaire. In the first stage, surveys were performed via telephone interviews. In the second stage, surveys were performed via home-visit subjects in the first stage included the handicaped of IACI. Finally data were collected from 338 subjects and analyzes by SPSS/PC+10. The instruments of this study were the perceived social support scale which developed by Lee(1996). These scales in the form of 5-point Likert type, consists of 20 items, including 3 subscales of emotional support, informational support, instrumental support. The mean score of social support was 57.2, emotional support 21.0, informational support 21.2 and instrumental support 15.2. The mean of depression for psychosocial factors is 37.5. Threre were significant differences in total perceived social support; age, job status, handicaped degree in IACI, post-traumatic complication and use of instrument. Emotional support was significant differences; age, number of dependent family, job status, handicaped degree in IACI, use of instrument and depression. Informational support was significant differences; job status, posttraumatic complication, use of instrument and depression. Instrumental support was significant differences; sex, job status, handicaped degree in IACI, use of instrument, and depression. The current system of the Labor Welfare institute is not appropriate for solving health problems of the handicaped in IACI. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the plan which can provide the handicaped in IACI high-quality rehabilitation services, so that they must use those services in the community without being dependent on hospitals. This study proposes home visit nursing services as the way to provide various health services within community for the handicaped in IACI


  • 이현주
  • 오진주
  • 최정명
  • 현혜진
  • 윤순녕


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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