


논근에센스를 사용한 20-30대 여성의 피부 미백 관리의 만족도(닥나무, 감초에센스와 비교하여)


Skin care satisfaction with Phragmitis Rhizoma Essence targeting for 20 to 30 years women


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to examine the difference in the effectiveness of skin care treatment targeting to 20 to 30 years old ladies with excessive dry skin type women. Skin care treatment with a natural cosmetic essence, an natural extract, Phragmitis Rhizoma Essence used for this study and natural cosmetic essence with Broussonetia Kazinoki, Glycyrrhizae used as the control group. For this study, 325 questionnaires to the general public are analyzed and among total 57 participants of this experiment, 17 participants applied Phragmitis Rhizoma Essence skin care, 20 participants applied Broussonetia Kazinoki Essence skin care, last 20 participants applied Glycyrrhizae Essence skin care. The customer satisfaction are researched after all the experiments done. Based on this survey, data was collected through SPSS(Statical Package for the Social Science) 13.0. These followings are the results of analysis. First, 33.5 percent of 325 general public and participants of this experiment answered that they prefer to have skin care with cosmetics mainly contained natural ingredients. 65.8 percent of the people responded that they do not have any skin care experience with natural ingredients' cosmetics, those who have the experience are only 34.2 percent. Furthermore, the question for the customer satisfaction about skin care with natural cosmetics shows the satisfied functions as following order; whitening 16 percent, moisture 12.3 percent, wrinkle care 2.2 percent, skin vitality 1.8 percent. The result of customer satisfaction about skin care with natural cosmetics shows that 52 percents of participants felt "fair", 12 percent "good enough", 5.2 percent "excellent" and 0.6 percent of participants answered "poor". 52 percent of participants choose the closest skin care shops from their home, and the research shows that 29.5 percent of customers choose "professional skin care shop", 7.1 percent hospitals and clinics, 5.8 percent go for service in schools or offices and 4.0 percent choose a spa. Secondly, the study provided a clear message that the whiting skin care with Phragmitis Rhizoma Essence(3.65) has a remarkable result in the difference both the easement of pigmentation and customer satisfaction as well as the effect on the betterment in skin moisture, texture, rough. When the group of Broussonetia Kazinoki Essence(3.00) and the group of Glycyrrhizae Essence is 3.05, the group of Phragmitis Rhizoma Essence shows 3.65. In addition, the questions for the effectiveness and customer satisfaction, the study also shows statistically a remarkable result of the group with Phragmitis Rhizoma Essence(4.12, 4.24) while the group of Broussonetia Kazinoki Essence shows 2.95, 3.35 and the group of Glycyrrhizae Essence answers 3.15, 3.35. Moreover, the group of Phragmitis Rhizoma Essence received a statistically remarkable response, 2.29, 4.18 from questions for a mind for recommendation and credibility whereas the group of Broussonetia Kazinoki Essence shows 1.90, 3.20 and the group of Glycyrrhizae Essence answers 1.70, 3.15. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the betterment in skin moisture, texture, rough as well as the easement of pigmentation by taking care of skin care with natural cosmetics as main ingredients, essences of Phragmitis Rhizoma Essence, Broussonetia Kazinoki Essence, Glycyrrhizae Essence in the skin care shop. The degree of moisture and oil for the 57 total participants of this experiment, 17 with Phragmitis Rhizoma, 20 with Broussonetia Kazinoki, last 20 with Glycyrrhizae, has been much improved. The effectiveness of developing skin texture has remarkably improved especially to the group of participants with Phragmitis Rhizoma Essence as compared to the control groups. As the study provided clear evidence that skin care with natural cosmetics especially with Phragmitis Rhizoma has a superior effect on whitening and moisture for skin. Thus, active research and program developments for skin care with natural cosmetics should be conducted more positively.


 I. 서론
  1. 연구의 필요성
  2. 연구의 목적
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 노근(Phragmitis Rhizoma)
  2. 닥나무(Broussonetia Kazinoki)
  3. 감초(Glycyrrhizae Radix)
  4. 스웨디시 마사지(Swedish Massage)
 III. 연구 결과
  1. 일반인 설문조사
  2. 인체 대상 실험
  3. 인체 적용 대상자 설문조사
  4. 일반인 설문 조사의 결과
  5. 인체 대상 실험에 대한 결과
   5-1. 피부 유수분 측정기(Nexus Skin Analyzer)
   5-2. 실험참여자의 피부 유수분, 피부결 측정 결과
   5-3. 색소 침착 완화 결과
  6. 인체적용 대상자 설무 조사에 따른 결과
 IV. 결론
 I. 일반 설문지
 II. 일체 적용 대상자 설문지


  • 박화영 Park, Hwa-Young. 중앙대학교 의약식품대학원 향장미용학전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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