

직장영역의 가족친화제도 도입과 성과, 그리고 과제


Introductions, Results and Suggestions of the Family-Friendly System in the Field of Working Place

윤소영, 김현

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study reviews a family-friendly system of companies from the viewpoint of family resource management. The concept of a family-friendly system in the workplace means that the strategy 'supports the family' or 'is sensitive to the family life' and recognizes a need for balance between work and family. The suggestions proposed in this study were as follows: First, the direction of a family-friendly system must reflect the needs of the family members positively and recognize diversity. Second, it must consider efficient methods relating to the matter of the gender because a corporate culture enabling men to use childcare leave has not grown, even in family companies. Third, the directions to check the present developing process of our society and to develop the suitable way to each company must be shown. This study has proposed that the subjects must solve immediately in the future with understanding the contents and looking around the status of the enforcement at the inside and outside of the country for a family-friendly system to handle the balance between work and family in the workplace. The problems were the context of the introductions and the results of balancing between work and family no matter whether the introduction of the system by company or not.


 I. 서론
 II. 가족친화제도와 가족친화기업의 발전 과정
 III. 가족친화기업의 실태
  1. 기업의 가족친화제도 도입 실태
  2. 가족친화기업 사례
 IV. 기업의 가족친화제도 도입성과와 과제
  1. 기업의 가족친화제도의 도입과 성과
  2. 가족친화제도의 과제


  • 윤소영 Yoon, So-Young. 한국문화관광연구원 책임연구원
  • 김현 Kim, Hyun. 한국문화관광연구원 책임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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