

계층분석법을 이용한 포장도로 유지보수 평가모형구축 및 평가요소 인식특성분석


Establishment of a Model and Analysis of Preferential Characteristics of Road Maintenance Factors Using an Analytic Hierarchy Process

박은규, 박태근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Until now, we haven't had a confident decision making system for priority of the pavement maintenance though the procedure of PMS is about 15% of total road maintenance procedure. So, the budget for road maintenance have inefficiently allocated to road maintenance projects regardless of priority without scientific analysis or reasonal decision making system.
Also, we couldn't well consider qualitative indexes even though these kinds of factors affect on the feasibility of road maintenance projects.
In this study, we suggested a level structure and criteria that can be adopted for the appraisal of urban road maintenance projects. Also, the results of characteristics of preference indicates that present situation of pavement road is considered as the most important factor getting weighted value of 0.452 as we expected. But the affection factors to destruction and policy factors are also considered as a important factors. It means that we need to establish a model to support priority appraisal. Also, there are no statistical difference of weighted value among factors by specialists.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법
 2. 도로유지관리체계의 현황 및 문제점
  2.1 포장도로유지보수 투자 우선순위 결정 절차
  2.2 문제점
 3. AHP를 이용한 도로유지관리 우선순위 결정방법
  3.1. AHP 분석과정
  3.2. 주요 분석과정
 4. 우선순위 결정 방법
  4.1. 도로유지관리 우선순위 결정시 고려요소
  4.2. AHP를 이용한 도로유지관리체계의 모형정립
  4.3. 평가요소별 가중치 산정결과 및 특성분석
 5. 결론


  • 박은규 Park, Eun Kyu. 목원대 대학원 박사과정
  • 박태근 Park, Tae Keun. 목원대 건축공학과 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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