

전이보 구조 시스템의 단순해석법에 관한 연구


A study on Simplified Analysis of Transfer Girder System

성욱진, 김경민, 윤태호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Therefore, this study suggested a simple analysis method using the flexural strength ratio of the
transfer girder-wall to analyze structures with pilotis efficiently and the accuracy and usefulness of the suggested simple analysis method was verified through the analysis of example structures. Conclusions derived from this study are as follows.
From the result of the simple analysis using a practical 3 dimensional model design, where the strength of the upper wall was modified as the ratio of 1/10~1/11 and analyzed in case of the flexural strength ratio of transfer girder-wall of the simple analysis method and the upper wall was separated as 4 bays at least, the flexural moment and shear strength of transfer girder showed higher figure by 1.03 times to 1.11 times compared to the detailed analysis and the result was similar to that of the detailed analysis of limited factors.
When it is analyzed using the suggested simple analysis method, the figures of section moment, central moment and maximum shear strength required for the design of transfer girder proved to be estimated as Fail-safe.


 1. 서론
 2. 기존 연구사례 고찰 및 연구방법
  2.1 기존 연구사례 고찰
  2.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
 3. 전이보 구조 시스템의 단순해석법
  3.1 기본 구조모델
  3.2 기본 해석모델
  3.3 해석결과 고찰
  3.4 종합 고찰
 4. 전이보 구조 시스템의 단순해석법 적용 및 검증
  4.1 구조 해석모델 개요
  4.2 단순해석법 적용 및 검증
  4.3 단순해석법 검증 결과
 5. 결론


  • 성욱진 Sung, Uk Jin. (주)유진구조컨설턴트 근무
  • 김경민 Kim, Kyung Min
  • 윤태호 Yoon, Tae Ho


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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