

인장철근비 변화에 따른 재생골재 RC보의 휨 강도


Flexural Strength of Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Recycled Aggregates with Various Main-Tension Steel Ratio

전소진, 윤용대, 이우진, 강성덕, 서수연, 윤승조

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Previous study on recycled aggregate(RA) has largely been limited to the manufacture of nonstructural-grade concrete due to undesirable physical properties of them such as, high water absorption leading to high water demand of concrete.
The restriction seriously limits its market and consequently diminishes the use of RA as a construction material. This paper presents the flexural behavior of beam made of recycled concrete substituted by both waste foundry sand(WFS) and recycled coarse aggregate replaced with fine and coarse aggregate concurrently. From the test, specimens with high tension reinforcement ratio not less than 0.75ρ b showed high ultimate strength decreasing linearly after peak point due to the compressive failure of concrete. In case of specimens with under 0.5ρ b there was not strength decrement until the end of test by showing plastic elongation of tension reinforcement.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험
  2.1 실험체 계획
  2.2 시험결과 및 분석
 3. 결론


  • 전소진 Jeon, So-Jin. 정회원, 충주대학교 석사과정
  • 윤용대 Yoon, Yong Dae. 정회원, 충주대학교 조교, 박사과정
  • 이우진 Lee, Woo Jin. 정회원, 충주대학교 선임연구원, 공학박사
  • 강성덕 Kang, Seong Duk. 정회원, (주) 충주산업 대표이사
  • 서수연 Seo, So Yeon. 정회원, 충주대학교 교수, 공학박사
  • 윤승조 Yoon, Seung Joe. 정회원, 충주대학교 교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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