Economic Analysis by Remodeling of Water Supply System in Apartment House
For an efficiency improvement in old apartment houses, there is a possibility that remodeling is easier to gather similar efficiency with less money than new construction. Generally, the water supply system in a apartment house uses the gravity water supply system or booster pump system. In this study, in order to compare which system is more efficient, the present
worth analysis method was used. We could get the result that the booster pump system is 10% cheaper than the gravity water supply system, consequently it is more economically efficient than past systems.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적1)
1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위
2. 이론적 고찰
2.1 급수시스템
2.2 LCC 분석법
3.경제성 평가 및 분석
3.1 평가대상 선정기준 및 평가방법
3.2 평가건물 개요
3.3 교체사항
3.4 급수공급계획
3.5 급수 공급방식 비교 검토
3.6 급수 배관재질 검토
3.7 시스템 변경에 따른 급수 전력비 절감액 비교
3.8 경제성 평가 및 분석
4. 결론