A Study on the Total Performance Evaluations of Housing
performance evaluation model for multi-unit residential buildings, which is intended to encourage initiative towards achieving better housing performance and to support home buyers' decision making on housing comparison and selection. Forty-one objective and feasible housing performance indicators were selected from a review of existing evaluation models and interviews
with experts, are classified into a series of categories. The evaluation criteria are suggested based on active building codes and current technology level. Finally, the application process of the evaluation model are established through the field case study.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적1)
1.2 연구의 내용 및 방법
2. 관련이론 및 선행연구고찰
2.1 공동주택성능평가 관련이론
2.2 선행연구 고찰
3. 공동주택성능평가 기준비교 고찰
3.1 국내외주택성능 평가기준 개발동향
3.2 국외주택 성능 평가기준 개발동향
3.3 국내주택 성능 평가기준 개발동향
3.4 종합적 성능평가기준설정
4. 모의평가를 통한 사례조사
4.1 대상지특성
4.2 모의평가대상지
5. 결론