

한국적 이미지를 글로벌화한 문화상품디자인 콘텐츠 개발 : 함대문양을 활용한 텍스타일 아트 핸드백


A development of contents for globalizing cultural product design using Korean image : The textile art handbag using ham-Dae embroidered pattern


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As a reaction and good impresion toward the Korean unique textile design using Korean traditional of Korean traditional patern research has been stressed and its demand has also been increased. It means that the design industry market using the Korean traditional pattern has ben extended to many fields. This study is intended to f the Korean embroidered patterns, Ham-Dae into cultural contents. Therefore, the utilization and applicable range of Korean traditional patern wil be extended in the global textile design market.Contents of the this study are as folows. cloth for wedding box (ham-dae) case study of cultural product design that using Korean traditional pattern and multi-cultural concepttextile art handbags as cultural contentsdesign proces of using the original image of ham-dae paterns,modern textile designAs a result of the study, textile art handbags using the traditional the Korean embroidered patterns wil have the design competitiveness as cultural contents. Iin order to improve the of the Korean uld be developed based on it.


 I. 서론
 II. 텍스타일 아트 핸드백 디자인을 위한 자수 문양 고찰
  1. 홍배자수문양의 특징
  2. 함대자수문양의 특징
 III. 다문화적 이미지를 글로벌화한 문화상품디자인 사례
 IV. 흉배문양과 함대문양을 활용한 텍스타일 아트 핸드백디자인 개발
  1. 기획의도
  2. 주제
  3. 내용 및 제작방법
 V. 결론


  • 김경아 Kim, Kyoung Ah. 숙명여자대학교 공예과 섬유전공 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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