

Feature of Rape and the Treatment of the British Police on Rape Victims : Aspect of Critical Points


박현호, 최관

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to attempt a treatment of British police on rape victims and feature of rape. This paper is aimed to show that rape victims have always been treated with suspicion, scepticism and hostility and it is exactly these attitudes of British police personnel that discourage women to come forward and report the rape to the police SectionⅠ - Introduction - and sectionⅡ is attempted to give an explanation of offending behaviour placing emphasis on the fact that rape is not the result of sexual satisfaction but the product of sex-role stereotyping, a desire to dominate and control women and a means to show hatred, power and contempt for them. Then, sectionⅢ is concentrated on the physical, emotional, psychological and financial consequences that are suffered by rape victims, the strategies they adopt in order to cope with their victimisation and recover and recover and the factors that facilitate such a recovery. Next, sectionⅣ discussed how the British police deal with rape victims, how the whole system seems to weight in favour of the defendant and what an ordeal the entire process proves to be for rape victims who in many cases consider it to be a "second rape". Finally, in the conclusion and suggestions, a number of measures is proposed which if implemented is lessen the ordeal rape victims have to go through in the British police investigation process, is certainly make it more fair and less discriminatory and is encouraged more women to come forward and report their rape to the police and suggested the improvement of police service response of the South Korean government on rape victims. More importantly, however, it be stressed out that in order for rape to be prevented, education must be provided for young men from early ages so as to learn to respect women and treat them as human beings with equal rights and not as objects, sexual commodities or pieces of property to be used or conquered.


이 논문은 강간피해의 특성과 강간피해자에 대한 영국경찰의 태도 및 처우 등에 대한 정보를 비판적 관점에서 제공하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 제2절에서는 강간범죄에 대한 전망으로서 여성학적, 민족학적, 인류학 및 사회학적 관점에서 여성에 대한 남성지배 및 통제의 다양한 관념적, 이론적 시각과 의견들을 분석하였다. 제3절에서는 강간 범죄로 인해 피해자가 입게 되는 육체적, 정서적, 심리적, 그리고 경제적 후유증에 대해서 살펴보았고, 제4절에서는 영국경찰의 강간피해자들에 대한 처우로서 구체적으로 어떻게 강간피해자들이 2차피해 (Second Rape)를 겪게 되는지 2가지 차원, 강간사건 신고를 위한 확인단계 그리고 사건기록 단계 등에 대해 비판적 관점에서 살펴보았다. 마지막으로 제5절에서는 이러한 문제에 대한 영국경찰과 한국정부의 인권친화적 대응에 대한 발전적 방안을 피력하였다.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Perspectives on Rape
  1. Aspects of Feminist
  2. Aspects of Ethnological Studies
  3. Aspects of Anthropological and Sociological Studies
 Ⅲ. The Aftermath of Rape
  1. Physical consequences
  2. Emotional consequences
  3. Psychological consequences
 Ⅳ. Treatment of Rape Victims by the British Police
  1. Extent of the phenomenon
  2. Factors associated with the decision to report
  3. Police recording practices
 Ⅴ. Conclusion and Suggestions


  • 박현호 Park, Hyeon Ho. 용인대학교 경찰행정학과 교수
  • 최관 Choi, Kwan. 영국 헐 대학교 박사수료


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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