자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
- 1주기도문 강해, 두란노, 2000.
- 2『초대 기독교 예배』. 서울: 기독교대한감리회 홍보출판국, 2001.
- 3『성사 안에 드러난 신앙』김인영 역. 왜관: 분도출판사, 1994.
- 4The Eucharist: The Feast with Christ. 김순환 역. 『성찬, 어떻게 알고 실행할 것인가?』. 서울: 대한기독교서회, 2002.
- 5『미사전례』. 왜관: 분도출판사, 1997.
- 6Book of Common Worship Louisville, Kentucky: Westmins-ter/John Knox Press, 1993.
- 7The search for the origins of Christian Worship. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992,
- 8The Eucharist in the Church At Prayer Trans. Matthew J.O'Connell. Vol 2. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1986.
- 9(ed). The Faith of the Early Fathers. Vol 1. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1970.
- 10"Diversity and Unity in the Primitive Church's Worship" Bible & Theology Vol. 35 (2004):311-335.
- 11Lutheran Book of Worship. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1992.
- 12An Outline of Christian Worship. London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1965.
- 13Liturgies of the Western Church. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1961.
- 14The United Methodist Book of Worship. Nashville: The United Methodist Publishing House, 1992.
- 15(ed). The Renewal of Sunday Worship, vol 3, The Complete Library of Christian Worship. Nashville, Tennessee: StarSong Publishing Group, 1993.
- 16Introduction to the ChristianWorship. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2000.