A Study of Prehistoric Remains in Joong-do Site
The Joong-do(中島) prehistoric site is located in the Lake of ?am of Chuncheon City, the capital of Kangweon province situated on the confluence of the North Han River and the Soyang River. This island site, it is washed away by the difference between the rise and fall of the lake water level, every year.
The prehistoric site, possibly ranges from Neloithic to early Iron Age, was brought to light in the consecutive excavations and surveys from 1977 to 1982 by Museum of Kangweon National University and National Museum.
Various stone tools and potteries were collected by survey work of our team from the surface and disturbed areas in 1981~1982.
Among such finds, there were polished and flaked stone tools, comb pattern and plain coarse potteries and other remains of Neolithic, Bronge Age and Early lron Age. This finds led us to conceive creators of multi-period cultures in the island.
It is established that htere exist in Joong-do site well contained prehistoric cultures which according to typological, technological and chronological analyslis. This site's prehistoric culture must be the interlink of two regional cultures of northeast and west metting here in the fertil basin of North Han River.
It seems, howefver, that some of the stone tools ans potteries of the site are comparable to those of Ham-kyung province in Northeast in Northeast Korea and West Coast of the Peninsula.
It is highly promising that the study will throw much light on the prehistory of Korea.
2. 중도유적의 분포
3. 조사유물
4. 유적과 유물의 해석