

콘라드의 모호성 :『어둠의 한가운데』에 구현된 사회-정치적 이데올로기


Conrad's Ambiguity : Social and Political Ideology


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This is to study the social commitment and ideology realized through Conrad's ambiguity, analysing discourse of colonialism and imperialist ideology reflected in Heart of Darkness. Conrad showed clearly that in both colonialism and imperialism, the goal is only a splendid enrichment of the conquering power at the expense of the subjugated nation or race, but the only practical effect of the rhetoric of civilization is to delude people or race in the nation. Therefore Conrad's ambivalence said to be only a muffled protest in his fiction made a great contribution to reveal imperial pretenses. To Marlow, Kurtz's cry is a moral victory since it demonstrated a recognition of the betrayal of his imperialists' ideals. Marlow feels that Kurtz is vindicated by an emotional realization of the horror of his experience just before he dies. Consequently, despite his severe of criticism of imperialism, Conrad could not conclude that imperialism had to end so that the natives could lead lives free from European domination. The tales Marlow can't tell, the truths he cannot utter, that is, the 'unspeakable' life story of Kurtz, lurk in the interstices of narrative ensuring that Marlow's colonialist apologetics can be read at once and the same time as postcolonial critique.


I. 서론
 II. 식민주의의 담론과 제국주의의 이데올로기
 III. 마알로의 역할
 IV. 식민주의에 대한 마알로의 모호한 태도
 V. 언어와 이상주의
 VI. 결론


  • 함정인 Jeong-In Ham. Gwqngju Health College


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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