

圓測의 唯識學에 대한 惠沼의 비판


Huiso's (혜소)'s Criticism on WonChuck(圓測)'s Yogacara Buddhism

원측의 유식학에 대한 혜소의 비판


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Ch'eng Wei-Shin Lun Lao-yi Deng(成唯識論了義燈) is an important source to find differences between Korean and Chinese Yogacara Buddhism. In this book Huiso(惠沼) concentrates his effort to criticize Wonchuk(圓測)‘s and his diciple Daoding(道證)’s Yogacara Buddhism.

I invesgate and analyze these critiques to clarify differences between the two and to determine which is correct or not in this paper. There are many discrepancies in opinions on many problems. for example the reality of mind and the function of mind after enlightenment etc. And there I found the fact that differences between the two are not the matter of 'one is correct and the other is false' but their differences are originated from each point of view and position. Huiso(惠沼) is concerned about analyzing differences of phenomenon and differences of various Buddhist teachings. Therefore he emphasize that Yogacara Buddhism especially Fa-Xiang School(法相宗) is the most excellent and the supreme Buddhist teaching and the other is the lower and insufficient teaching. On the other hand Wonchuk(圓測) is concerned about making all living beings understood and enlightened. And therefore he makes an effort to explain the context and the function of various teachings.

In conclusion I can say that Wonchuk(圓測) always keeps the religious purpose to relieve of living beings in his heart, and Huiso(惠沼) takes a scholastic interest to make clear the meaning of various differences.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 혜소의 불교 이해와 기본 입장
 3. 《成唯識論了義燈》의 저술 의도와 서술 방식
 4. 혜소의 비판 내용에 대한 분석
  1) 마음의 본체에 대한 논의
  2) 아뢰야식에 관한 논의
  3) 마음의 작용 과정에 대한 논의
  4) 깨달은 후의 마음 작용에 관한 논의
  5) 그 밖의 문제들에 대한 논의
 5. 혜소의 비판을 통해서 본 원측 유식학의 특징과 의미
 6. 맺는 말


  • 정영근 Jung, Yeong-keun. 서울산업대 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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