

18세기 北學論의 문명론적 함의에 대한 검토


A Study on Cultural Consequences of Bulhakron in 18th Century

18세기 북학론의 문명론적 함의에 대한 검토


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Chosun's scholars, who proposed Bukhakron(北學論) in 18th century, argued that Chosun had to accept the developed civilization of Quing China. What was remarkable in Quning civilization was various production tools and living things. The scholars of Bukhakron(北學論) not only tried to make people's living condition more efficient and convenient by improvement of production tools and living things, but also pursued to establish a totally new culture or civilization. In that sense, Bukhakron(北學論) had an aspect to theory of civilization reconstruction. In Bukhakron(北學論), we can find the vestiges of toadism to chinese culture as well as deconstructing phase of that toadism. We can find also at a time the viewpoint that distinguishes between fact and value, and the viewpoint that does not in Bukhakron(北學論). The scholars of Bukhakron(北學論) seemed to think the newer the better, since they believe that there is a progress in history. They did not any more keep the viewpoint that there was a center(China) and the peripheral(Chosun), instead they started to compare the east(Asia) to the west(Europe). In a word, Bukhakron(北學論) was a landmark to show that the scholar's viewpoint on civilization had been changed to the modern one in 18th century.


I. 머리말
 II. 북학의 대상과 지향
 III. 북학론과 華夷論ㆍ道器論
  1. 中華遺制論과 華夷無分論의 交錯
  2. 道器分離的 사유와 道器-致的 사유의 交錯
 IV. 北學論의 東西·古今意識
  1. 新式 指向의 古今意識
  2. 東西意識의 대두
 V. 맺음말


  • 김문용 Kim Moon-Yong. 고려대학교 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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