0. Introduction
1. Difference between Japanese ni-causatives and Korean eke-causatives
2. Semantics of Korean Periphrastic Causative Constructions
2.1. Option-causation versus No-option-causation
2.2. Self-Controllability versus Non-Self-Controllablility
2.3. Resultative-causation versus Non-Resultative-causation
2.4. Direct Discurse as a D-structure of the eke-causative
2.5. Extension of Kuno's(1972) Direct Discourse Analysis to English verbs such as persuade, ask, request, order, etc.
2.6. Summary
3. Syntax of Korean Periphrastic Causative Constructions
3.1. The First Argument against the il-Extra NP Analysis: No Independent Significance of Transformational Rules
3.2. The Second Argument against the il-Extra NP Analysis : PRO's Visibility to Case Marking Rules
3.3. The Third Argument against the il-Extra NP Analysis : Contradiction to the Direct Discourse Analysis of the eke-causative
3.4. Summary
4. Advantages, Motivation, and Justification of an eke-Extra NP Analysis
4.1. Advantages of an eke-Extra NP Analysis
4.2. Tonoik(1978: 25~26) also presents the following three advantages of the Ni-Extra NP Analysis over the O-Extra NP Analysis in Japanese:
4.3. Motivation and Justification of an eke-Extra NP Analysis
4.4. Summary
5. Conclusion
1. Difference between Japanese ni-causatives and Korean eke-causatives
2. Semantics of Korean Periphrastic Causative Constructions
2.1. Option-causation versus No-option-causation
2.2. Self-Controllability versus Non-Self-Controllablility
2.3. Resultative-causation versus Non-Resultative-causation
2.4. Direct Discurse as a D-structure of the eke-causative
2.5. Extension of Kuno's(1972) Direct Discourse Analysis to English verbs such as persuade, ask, request, order, etc.
2.6. Summary
3. Syntax of Korean Periphrastic Causative Constructions
3.1. The First Argument against the il-Extra NP Analysis: No Independent Significance of Transformational Rules
3.2. The Second Argument against the il-Extra NP Analysis : PRO's Visibility to Case Marking Rules
3.3. The Third Argument against the il-Extra NP Analysis : Contradiction to the Direct Discourse Analysis of the eke-causative
3.4. Summary
4. Advantages, Motivation, and Justification of an eke-Extra NP Analysis
4.1. Advantages of an eke-Extra NP Analysis
4.2. Tonoik(1978: 25~26) also presents the following three advantages of the Ni-Extra NP Analysis over the O-Extra NP Analysis in Japanese:
4.3. Motivation and Justification of an eke-Extra NP Analysis
4.4. Summary
5. Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보