

비판적 사고를 기초로 한 독해/토의/글쓰기 교육 - 덕성여자대학교 <소집단 토의 수업> 40년사를 돌아보며 -


<Reading, Discussion, and Writing> as the Basis of Liberal Arts Education : Forty-year-history of "small group discussion courses" at Duksung Women's University -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article has reviewed the small group discussion courses for reading, speaking, listening, and writing at Duksung Women's University. These courses were mandated as requisite liberal arts courses in 1969. From 1969 to 1977, in the〈Reading〉, students were instructed to write essays after readings. Later, courses such as〈Study in Humanities〉,〈Human Being in Society〉, and〈Introduction to Literature〉 were introduced. As the titles, organizations, and contents of the courses changed, other courses such as〈Seminars in Philosophy〉,〈Seminars in Literature〉,〈Research Methodology and Writing〉,〈University Study Skills〉,〈Communication〉,〈Critical Reading〉, and finally〈Critical Reading and Writing〉were added. Through these courses, students were able to appreciate different perspectives and also develope their creative and critical thinking capabilities in order to prepare them for the entry into information society. In 1997 and 1998, small group discussion courses accounted for 8.3% of the total credits required for graduation. However, recently this has decreased to 3.1%. This study found that, with 2 courses,〈Critical Reading and Writing in Literature〉 and〈Critical Reading and Writing in Humanities and Natural Science〉, where writing ability was not addressed intensively, limitations were remained. Therefore, it is recommended that the university improve the quality of these courses by keeping writing as a separate course and including all four disciplines (philosophy, literature, humanities and social science, and natural science) in seminar courses.


I. 서론
 II. 교양필수 교과목 '소집단 토의 수업'의 변천사
  1. <독서계획> : 1969-1977
  2. <인간과 사상>,  <인간과 사회> 및 <문학의 이해>의 도입 : 1978-1991
  3. <교약독서프로그램>및 <연구방법 및 논문작성법>의 도입 : 1992-1996
  4. <학습법> 및 <커뮤니케이션전략>의 도입 1997-1999
  5. <교양독서세미나> : 2000-2006
  6. <독서와 표현> : 2007
 III. 결론 및 제언


  • 정미숙 Chung, Mi Sook. 덕성여자대학교 교양교직대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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