1. Introduction
2. Reconsidering the equi analysis
2.1. Meaning difference between tough and non-tough constructions
2.2. Impossibility of expletive tough subjects
2.3. Null complement analphora
2.4. The topichood of tough subjects
3. Evidence for the non-semantic selection for the tough subject
3.1. Selectional restriction
3.2. De re and dicto reading
3.3. Nominalization
4. About connectivity
5. A constructional approach to English tough constructions
6. Further issues
1. Introduction
2. Reconsidering the equi analysis
2.1. Meaning difference between tough and non-tough constructions
2.2. Impossibility of expletive tough subjects
2.3. Null complement analphora
2.4. The topichood of tough subjects
3. Evidence for the non-semantic selection for the tough subject
3.1. Selectional restriction
3.2. De re and dicto reading
3.3. Nominalization
4. About connectivity
5. A constructional approach to English tough constructions
6. Further issues
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보