

Co-expression of Human Proteins (IL-10, TPO and/or Lactoferrin) into Milk of Cross-Breed Transgenic Mouse



We have previously produced transgenic (TG) mice expressing the human lactoferrin (hLF), interleukin-10 (hIL-10), and thrombopoietin (hTPO) proteins in the milk. In this study, we examined whether simple crossbreeding between two kids of a single transgenic mouse can produce double transgenics co-expressing two human proteins.. The hLF male, and the hIL-10 male were crossbred with the hIL-10 and hTPO females, and the hTPO female, respectively. PCR analysis for genotyping showed 32%, 23% and 24% double transgenic rates for hLF/hIL-10, hLF/hTPO, and hIL-10/hTPO transgenes, respectively. We analyzed the expression levels of the human proteins from double transgenic mice and compared those with their single transgenic siblings. All double transgenic co-expressed two human proteins at comparable levels to singles', unless hTPO was not co-expressed: for hLF, 1.1 mg/ml in hLF/hIL-10, whereas 0.5 mg/ml in hLF/hTPO; for hIL-10, 4.1 mg/ml in hIL-10/hLF, whereas 1.4 mg/ml in hIL-10/hTPO. Ihe downregulation of hTPO to half level of singles' was observed in double transgenic mice. The possible reason why hTPO co-expressed might lead to down-regulation of another human protein was discussed. These results suggested that double transgenic generated by crossbreeding between two singles' could be useful system for bioreactor.


  Generation of F-11 Double-Transgenic Mice
  Analysis of Expression Level of Transgene by ELISA
  Generation of Double Transgenic Mice
  Co-Expression in Double transgenic Mice Milk


  • Zhen-Yu Zheng The College of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary, Henam Agricultural University
  • Hyo-Sang Lee Center for regenerative Medicine, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
  • Keon Bong Oh Center for regenerative Medicine, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
  • Deog-Bon Koo Center for regenerative Medicine, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
  • Yong-Mahn Han Department of Biological Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)


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