Measurement of AC Loss in SmBCO Coated Conductor
1. 서론
2. 실험 방법 및 측정
2.1. YBCO coated conductor의 자화손실
2.2. SmBCO coated conductor의 자화손실
4. 결론
1. 서론
2. 실험 방법 및 측정
2.1. YBCO coated conductor의 자화손실
2.2. SmBCO coated conductor의 자화손실
4. 결론
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
- 1An experimental method for total AC loss measurement of high T~c superconductors네이버 원문 이동
- 2Numerical Analysis and Measurement of Magnetization Loss in BSCCO Multi-stacked Conductor According to Stacking Geometry네이버 원문 이동
- 3Hydrogen-isotope motion in scandium studied by ultrasonic measurements네이버 원문 이동
- 4Magnetization Loss Characteristics at Arbitrary Directional Magnetic Field by Perpendicular Magnetization Loss in YBCO CC and BSCCO Stacked Conductors네이버 원문 이동
- 5Total AC loss by simultaneously applied AC transport current and AC external magnetic field in BSCCO tapeearticle 원문 이동
- 6이광연, 박명진, 차귀수, 이지광, "YBCO CC의 Slit 개수에 따른 자화손실 저감 특성 해석", 대한전기학회하계학술대회논문집, B 권, pp1249-1251, 2005
- 7G-M 극저온 냉동기earticle 원문 이동