

Sentry@Home - Leveraging the Smart Home for Privacy in Pervasive Computing



This article introduces a privacy framework for Smart Homes, supporting individuals
roaming freely in pervasive computing environments. Such environments typically are
equipped with different kinds of sensors and tracking devices for context-aware service
provisioning. While on the one hand, people want to take advantage of the comfort and added
value of personalized context-aware services, privacy and traceability becomes a serious
concern on the other hand. The question arises, how we can build up trust into inherently
untrusted services in a potentially hostile environment? How can it be guaranteed that
eventually all sensitive data is deleted or safely stored away? The Sentry@HOME concept, as
part of our User-centric Privacy Framework, addresses these concerns. It is designed to
become an integral part of the user’s home environment; seamlessly embedded into the Smart
Home software infrastructure.. The Smart Home itself then can be leveraged to act as a
privacy proxy for a tracked individual. On behalf of the user it constitutes the central privacy
enforcement point for all privacy-relevant accesses to private or sensitive data. We are
confident that our contribution, the combination of Smart Homes and a privacy-aware
infrastructure, substantially adds to the success of personalized pervasive computing systems.


 1. Introduction
 2. Motivation
 3. Sentry@HOME – The Privacy Proxy
  3.1 A Sentry in the Interaction Chain
  3.2. Design requirements
 4. User-centric Privacy Framework
  4.1. Architecture sketch and implementation
  4.2 The Sentry Language (SeT)
 5. Related work
 7. References


  • Susana Alcalde Bagüés Siemens AG, Corporate Research and Technologies. Munich, Germany Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Public University of Navarra. Spain
  • Andreas Zeidler Siemens AG, Corporate Research and Technologies. Munich, Germany
  • Fernandez Valdivielso Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Public University of Navarra. Spain
  • Ignacio R. Matias Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Public University of Navarra. Spain


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