

Semantic Tolerance Relation-based Image Representation and Classification



The nature of the concepts regarding images in many domains are imprecise, and the
interpretation of finding similar images is also ambiguous and subjective on the level of
human perception. To solve these problems, in this paper, images’ semantic categories and
the tolerance degree between them are defined systematically, and the approach of modeling
tolerance relations between the semantic classes is proposed. Furthermore, for removing the
induced false tolerance in the produce of using semantic tolerance relation model, the method
of un-tolerating is introduced in image representation. We apply the proposed approach to
the representations of images regarding the nature vs. man-made domain, human vs. nonhuman
domain, and temporal domain, and compare the categorization results of them with
the results not using semantic tolerance relation model. The results show the effectiveness of
proposed method.


 1. Introduction
 2. Semantic tolerance relation model
 3. Image representation and categorization
 4. Automatic image representation
  4.1. Image representation regarding d1
  4.2. Image representation regarding d2
  4.3. Image representation regarding d1, d2, d3,
 5. Experimental results and analysis
 6. Conclusion
 7. Reference


  • Ying Dai Iwate Pref. University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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