

Hybrid Approach for Consistency Management in OptorSim Simulator



One of the principal motivations to use the grids computing and data grids comes from the
applications using of large sets from data, for example, in High-Energy physics or Life
Science to improve the total output of the software environments used to carry these
applications on the grids, data replication are deposited on various selected sites. In the field
of the grids the majority of the strategies of replication of the data and scheduling of the jobs
were tested by simulation. Several simulators of grids were born. One of the most simulators
interesting for our study is the OptorSim tool. In this paper, we present an extension of the
OptorSim simulator by a consistency management module of the replicas in the Data Grids.
This extension corresponds to a hybrid approach of consistency, it inspired by the pessimistic
and optimistic approaches of consistency. This suggested approach has two vocations, in the
first time, it makes it possible to reduce the response times compared with the completely
pessimistic approach, in the second time, it gives a good quality of service compared with the
optimistic approach.


 1. Introduction
 2. OptorSim simulator
 3. Consistency management approaches
  3.1 Pessimistic approach
  3.2 Optimistic approach
  3.3 Comparison of the approaches
 4. Model proposed
  4.1 Architecture of model proposed
  4.2 Process of hybrid consistency management
 5. Measuring our approach
  5.1 Metrics of quality of service
 6. Simulation results
 7. Conclusions and future works
 8. References


  • Ghalem Belalem Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, University of Oran - Es Senia, Oran, Algeria
  • Yahya Slimani Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis, Tunisia


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