

A Modular-based Miniature Mobile Robot for Pervasive Computing



Increasingly, innovations in miniaturization and embedded systems are making pervasive
computing a reality. Meanwhile, similar advancements in robotics have made autonomous
mobile robots easier to develop and more cost-efficient. However, since the field of
ubiquitous robotics remains relatively unexplored, we develop SMARbot (Stevens Modular
Autonomous Robot), as a tool to explore the pervasive capability of miniature robots. The
SMARTBot was designed to be a highly modular, adaptable, inexpensive base model to
integrate miniature mobile robots into the pervasive computing environment. The hardware
and software architecture of the prototype are proposed. The experimental results
demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the SMARbot in the real-world scenarios


. Abstract
 1. Introduction
 2. Related work
 3. SMARbot architecture
  3.1. Generic architecture of SMARbot
  3.2. Prototype of SMARbot
  3.3. Real-Time Operating System
 4. Experimental results
  4.1. Autonomous obstacle avoidance
  4.2. ZigBee wireless communication
  4.3. Color blob tracking using a vision system
  4.4. Power consumption of the SMARbot
  4.5. Ongoing Prototype
 5. Conclusion and future work
 6. References


  • Yan Meng Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
  • Kerry Johnson, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
  • Brian Simms Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
  • Matthew Conforth Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA


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