


부흥과 선교의 관계성에 대한 연구 - 종교 현상학적 해석을 중심으로


A Study on Relation between Mission and Revival : A Religious-Phenomenological Approach


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the relation between mission and revival from a perspective of phenomenology of religion. I deal with five major phenomenologists of religion including Gerardus van der Leeuw, Hendrik Kraemer, Ninian Smart, Andrew Walls, and Lamin Sanneh. First, G. van der Leeuw regards mission and revival as manifestations of dynamic of religion. Instead of explaining their relation, he emphasizes the similarity of mission and revival. Second, H. Kraemer holds that mission is the life of church and that revival is internal or external reason to do mission. His missionary experience seems to help him to recognize the particularity of Christianity and its mission. Third, Ninian Smart claims that mission is a process toward revival by exploring an example of David Livingstone, who had strong sympathetic attitude to Africans and their culture. Fourth, Andrew Walls argues that mission is a long-term result of revival and that revivals produce missionary mind, finance, and missionaries. He even identifies mission and revival with parts of translation. Fifth, L Sanneh compares Islam’s Dawah with Christian mission in terms of translatability. For him, Christian mission is a type of translation whereas Dawah is a type of diffusion, which oppresses the cultural revival in the process of mission. In conclusion, we find three characteristics of the relation between mission and culture. First, we can find the dynamic of Christianity as a religion through mission and revival. Second, mission is the life of Christianity and it has an organic relation to culture. Third, Christian mission is the phenomenon of translation which promote Gospel and culture.


본 논문은 선교와 부흥의 관계성을 종교 현상학적 관점에서 분석하였다. 이를 위하여 게라르두스 반 델 레우, 핸드릭 크래머, 니니안 스마트, 앤드류 월스, 라민 싸네 등의 네덜란드와 영미를 중심으로 활동해 온 20세기를 대표하는 종교 현상학자들의 연구를 검토하였다.


 I. 서론
 II. 선교와 부흥에 관한 종교 현상학자들의 이해
  A. 반델레우의 이해 : 종교적 역동성의 양상
  B. 핸드릭 크래머의 이해 : 생명 기능과 내적ㆍ외적 요인
  C. 니니안 스카트의 이해 : 선교의 결과로서 부흥ㆍ토착화
  D. 앤드류 윌스의 이해 : 번역의 양면성
  E. 라민 사네의 이해 : 부흥 촉진하는 선교 억제하는 다와
 III. 종교 현상학적 다양성과 비교 연구
 IV. 결론
  A. 종교로서 기독교의 역동성은 선교와 부흥으로 나타난다.
  B. 선교는 기독교의 생명이며 부흥 운동과 유기적 관계를 맺는다
  C. 선교는 복음과 토착 문화의 부흥을 촉진하는 번역 현상이다.


  • 안신 Shin Ahn. 서울대학교 종교문제연구소 연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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