A Study of the Interaction between Cultural Education and Image Literacy.
This paper aims to analyze diverse discussions onimage literacy’, and handles problems of image literacy and proposes an image literacy class model for learners of culture education. Culture education is a composition. That means word of the two interdisciplinary culture and education, making it difficult to define it. This is because diverse kinds of culture and education exist by age and region, and because diverse definitions and methodologies of culture education exist. Nevertheless, this paper defines culture education to mean education about culture, because special education is needed to well understand not only one’s culture and others’ culture, and to create new types of culture. In this context, the image literacy methodology is deemed to be very important, because humans generally initially experience culture through image, and encounters image visually. Thus, Chapter 2 deals with the concepts of Culture education, Chapter 3 deals with the discussion of image literacy. Chapter 4 and 5 in this paper discusses about culture education and image literacy. Chapter 6 handles problems of image literacy and proposes an image literacy class model for learners of culture education
1. 서론
2. 문화교육의 개념
3. 이미지의 패러다임 변화
4. 이미지 리터러시에 관한 담론
5. 문화교육과 이미지 리터러시의 관계
6. 문화교육을 위한 이미지 리터러시 수업 모형
7. 맺음말