

자연언어 검색 질의문 인식을 위한 유한 그래프 문법의 구축


Constructing Finite-State Graphs for Accurate Recognition of Queries by Natural Languages in Information Retrieval Systems


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to discuss the limit of actual keyword-based information retrieval systems and to present the finite-state Local Grammar Graphs(LGGs) constructed in this work for the purpose of the accurate recognition of queries by natural languages. We observed some real queries about the “agent(i.e. person & company)” in IT domain, such as “Who's the president of NHN Corp.?” “Let me know if Mr. Lee Jae-yong has a Ph.D.” “What's the latest model of Digital Cameras produced by Samsung?”. From this observation we classified the query types into 9 classes and divided them again into 38 sub-classes. Several graphs for each sub-class were built and we obtained finally 163 finite graphs that represent more than 4 millions of query patterns by natural language such as ‘-i gaibalha-n(develop-Sd) -neun muos(what)-ipni-gga?’(What's the LCD TV developed by Samsung?'). Empirical results show that our LGG graphs can recognize 90% of real queries by natural language and we notice that some types of complex phrases and adverbial sequences should be treated in our LGG patterns in the future works.


 1. 머리말
 2. 기존 연구에 대한 논의
 3. 특정 영역의 질의문 유형에 대한 연구
 3.1. IT분야 주체(agent)와 관련된 질의문 연구
 3.2. 질의문의 유형 분류
 3.3. 질의문 유형의 하위 분류
 4. 질의문 유형별 유한 그래프의 구축
 4.1. LGG 유한 그래프 모델
 4.2. 질의문 유형별 유한 그래프의 구축
 4.3. 전체 구축된 그래프 결과물
 5. 실험 및 평가
 6. 결론


  • 남지순 한국외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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