

산업장 근로자의 건강증진 프로그램 요구도


Need Assessment for Worksite Health Promotion program

송연이, 장정희

피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This studs was conducted to investigate the kinds of health promotion program which

workers want, workers intention for participation, proper method, time, duration and manager A self-administered questionnaire method was used to collect data from 41 employees of 3 worksites in Chungpook and Kyungkee. This survey was carried out from Aug. 10 to Aug. 20, 1998.

The results of this study are as follows:

1. In male, among health promotion programs, favorite ones were physical fitness (32.2%), periodic health check-up(24.6%). arid stress management( 18.0%). In female, among health promotion programs, favorite ones were periodic health check-up(26.0%), physical fitness(22.0%). and body weight control(1 9.5%).

2. The more young subjects are, the more they like physical fitness program, and the

female like body weight control program regardless of BMI. Manufacturing worker

preferred back pain prevention program to clerical worker did. In female, drinker

preferred stress management program to non-drinker did.

3. The more old subjects are, the more they like back pain prevention program, and

non-smoker preferred body weight control program to smoker did

4. In health promotion program format which the subjects wanted, learning of self examination techniques was 41. 1% worksite screening was 31.0%, audiovisual of parnphlets and audiovisual materials was 20.0%, presentation of worksite educational sessions was 7.9%. and the most wanted manager for the program was medical doctor and then nurse. physical trainer, psychological counselor, The favorite health promotion program duration was less than 30 minutes(49.6%). and the favorite time was before work(49.6%).

5. Among respondents. 48.5% was smokers 81. 8% was drinkers, 399% engaged in th~

regular exercise, 68.2% engaged in regular diet habit. In vaccination. 50.2%. ifpossible, wanted to be vaccinated and 37.6% never wanted to be vaccinated.

6. Ex-smoker. ex-drinker, the subjects in the regular exercise, and in the regular diet habit responded they were in good health, There was a significant difference between exercise and health status, Need and intention for participation of health

promotion program were high in ex-smoker, ox-drinker, the subjects in the regular exercise. and in the regular diet habit.

According to results for this studs, if the favorite programs, exercise, periodic health check up. stress management program, are operated at a proper time and with managers they want, this programs can really raise the. participation of employees And as employees want to learn self examination techniques if worksite educational sessions are performed, health promotion program can effectively be operated.


  • 송연이
  • 장정희


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