Situation Analysis of Work Performance on the Occupational Health Nursing Services Provided in Small Scale Enterprises of Korea
Necessity for the guidebook of occupational health nursing practice has been perceived by out OH research members since the health management of small scale enterprises(SSE) was controlled by law. Mean while, developing the OH manual, ow Leant found that the work situation of occupational health nursing (01-IN) services should be prior to the construction of the OH N manual. This procedure was regarded as helpful for producing the OH manual which is fitting to the Korean nursing circumstances Thus, this study was planned and carried out.
The study aimed to find out current situation of work performance on occupational health nursing practice perceived by nurses working for health management of SSE. Questionnaire was distributed to the OH nurses working in the 55 group occupational pational health service(GOHS) agencies through out the Korea from January to Match itt 1997. Ninety-seven nurses or the 3) GOHS agencies responded. Descriptive statistics was used in the SAS programme. Four nurses participated to select nursing area investigated in the study. Those area were `document `job orientation OH reference nursing theory group health education health examination work dilemma? approach attitude workplace visit health promotion and communication
Results can be summarized as follow:
Types of document were mentioned diversely depending on the GOHS agencies. Job orientation was seen to be performed by nurses in 56% among the 75.3% nurses responded. Sixty five percents of nurses agreed to apply nursing theories into I he OH with lack of knowledge on them. Health screening and health education were responded as commonly provided nursing activities with various nursing obstacles as well as indicated in the area of work dilemma approach attitude workplace visit health proiriotion