A Study on the Legal Protection of Minority Shareholders
Everyone has something to do with the stock company directly or indirectly under the economic system of modern capitalism. And the shareholder as an owner has become the most significant status inner part of the stock company.
So protecting the owners in the law of the corporation is very important not only in every enterprise herself but also in national economy. So all the shareholders must be organized equally in execution of their's rights on corporation's affairs. But practically, all the decisions of the corporation are made by the majority shareholders, so that minority shareholders have to be
subject to majority shareholders in the name of “The rule of majority”.
It is necessary for shareholders, especially minority shareholders, to be protected for the ask of the fair management and development of the manage the corporation at their will through their misfeasance, their abuse of right, and so forth.
For the purpose of legal status of minority shareholders, the abuses of shareholder's voting right and his power of right and the convocation of shareholders' meeting were classified and explained according to their own acts of Commercial Law.
Ⅱ. 소수주주의 권리에 대한 개관
1. 서설
2. 소수주주권
3. 단독주주권
4. 주주평등의 원칙
Ⅲ. 소수주주의 권리보호 방안
1. 지배주주의 충실의무제도42)를 통한 소수주주 보호
2. 누적투표제도를 통한 소수주주 보호
3. 주주제안권을 통한 소수주주 보호
4. 외부감사제도를 통한 소수주주 보호
5. 의결권 대리행사를 통한 소수주주 보호
6. 서면투표제도를 통한 소수주주 보호
Ⅳ. 결론