

외국어로부터 한국어로의 번역- 교육의 목표와 전략에 관해 -



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to find out objectives in training translation into Korean through theoretical considerations and to build strategies according to each objective.As translation training objects here are proposed to strengthen 1) language competence, which includes thorough comprehension of the source text and Korean text composition, as well as 2) non-language competence, which consists of research, use of technical tools, cooperation and professional attitude.Training strategies to attain these objectives are as follows: For thorough comprehension of the source text students need to accept the text as a whole, analyze intra-textual structure in various dimensions and when needed, take literal pre-translation process. Also for Korean text composition criticizing translations of others and student themselves, analyzing translation text structure, cohesion and coherence, repeated translation of the same text were proposed. Last but not least, to strengthen non-language competence strategies such as simulation of professional translation and practice of collaborative translation can be used.


  • 이상원 Lee, Sang-Won. 선문대학교 통역번역대학원 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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