

각형토기문화유형의 연구


A study on the top-shaped pottery culture pattern as a culture process in the Bronze age

최종모, 김권중, 홍주희

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The top-shaped pottery culture pattern is one of culture patterns in the Bronze age, which represents the culture in northwest of Korea and it seems to originate in the lower reaches of the Daedong River, in succession to the Neolithic Age cultures. It seems the culture pattern originated by itself in the Korean peninsula and to have independent and closed characteristics. It is persuasive that the characteristics of this culture had been sustained consistently until a point of time the top-shaped pottery was disappeared in the upper bronze age, also some part of new cultural factors of the inflow of foreign cultures was adapted partly.
As a process of development of the top-shaped pottery culture pattern, its changing aspect could be setup by 5 phases. 5 phases were setup considering diversified sides including the change of plane types and interior structures in dwelling sites, the change of top-shaped pottery and excavated artifacts paired with the top-shaped pottery, the distinguished change of assemblages, the inflow of foreign cultures, the manufacture and usage of bronze wares,
the absolute age and the relative age to sites in its outskirts and duplicated contexts with remains in its same site.
As the result of each phase from its development of 5 phases, the top-shaped pottery culture pattern with remains as bins, millets, Indian millets, Italian millets, rice seeds was an agrarian society of settlement to cultivate farms and its state of clustering or grouping occurred obviously in this period. As we can see through the discoidal maces and the polyhead maces, we presume this culture pattern had the stratified social system. We found it had the strong locality against the inflow of foreign bronze ware cultures from the Yalu river and the Liao river and this culture had a tendency to expand after 3rd phase. However, we understand the expansion or the advancement of it in the Han river was prevented by some strong plain pottery cultures and we can find some clues of it that there were vestiges of the top-shaped pottery culture pattern in Hwacheon Yongamri sites at the upper reaches of the Han river, in Ganghwa Samguri sites and Ohsungri sites at the lower reaches of the Han river and can not find the sites related to its culture pattern in south of Han river.
We try to set up the chronicle of as above top earthenware culture from 13C BC as the maximum to 6 C. BC as the minimum with 5 phases of it chronologically.
Thus, we can understand the top-shaped pottery culture pattern was one of Korean bronze
age culture patterns developed and had more stronger locality and individuality of northwest
of Korea than of northeast of Korea in the Bronze Age. In addition, it is the important culture pattern to show the formation, development and the decline of the bronze ware culture at a look.


각형토기문화유형은 서북지방을 대표하는 청동기시대 문화유형의 하나로 대동강 유역을 중심으로 신석기시대 문화의 연속선 상에서 자체발생한 것으로 생각되며 독립적이고 폐쇄적인 특성을 가지는 것으로 이해된다.
각형토기문화유형의 전개과정에 있어 편년설정은 기원전 13세기를 상한으로 하고 하한은 기원전 6세기로 하여 5단계로 구분하였으며, 각 단계의 설정은 주거지 평면형태 및 내부 시설의 변화, 각형토기 등 공반유물의 형식변화, 청동기의 제작 및 사용, 절대연대 및 주변 유적과의 상대 연대 그리고 동일 유적 내에서의 중복관계 등을 다각적으로 고려하여 설정하였다.
각형토기문화유형은 농경을 중심으로 정착생활이 이루어진 농경사회로 취락화현상이 뚜렷하고, 위계화된 사회였을 것으로 추정할 수 있다. 또한 지역성이 강하지만 청동기가 유입되기도 하였으며 각형토기문화유형이 부분적으로 확산되는 경향도 확인할 수 있었다. 그러나 한강 유역을 중심으로 문화내용의 확산 또는 진출이 저지되는 것으로 보인다.
각형토기문화유형은 서북한 청동기문화의 성립과 발전 그리고 쇠퇴를 한눈에 보여주는 중요한 문화유형으로 이해할 수 있다.


 Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 각형토기문화유형의 검토
  1. 각형토기의 개념과 연구경향
  2. 각형토기유적의 분포
 Ⅲ. 각형토기문화유형의 단계설정과 편년
  1. 각형토기문화유형의 단계설정
  2. 각형토기문화유형의 편년
 Ⅳ. 각형토기문화유형의 전개와 특성
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 최종모 Choi, Jong-mo. 강원문화재연구소
  • 김권중 Kim, Kwon-joong. 강원문화재연구소
  • 홍주희 Hong, Joo-hee. 강원문화재연구소


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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