


인공심장판막치환환자의 응급센터 내원시 warfarin에 의한 합병증에 관한 연구


Analysis of Warfarin-induced Complications in Patients with Mechanical Heart Valve Replacement in Emergency Center

송효숙, 장병철, 곽혜선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: This study was to evaluate the factors on bleeding complications and thromboembolism in patients on warfarin with mechanical heart valves visiting emergency center. Methods: Among 560 patients who were operated at Y Cardiovascular Hospital between November 2001 and October 2006, we reviewed the records of 83 patients who had mechanical heart valve and visited emergency center. Results: There were 6 major thromboembolic events, 18 major bleeding events and 25 minor bleeding events from 83 patients who visited emergency center. The mean international normalized ratio (INR) was 4.30±13.29 in patients visiting emergency center, 6.07±3.86 in patients with major bleeding, and 5.89±2.80 in patients with minor bleeding complication. There was statistically significant difference in INR between bleeding complication groups and no bleeding groups (p = 0.001 in patients with major bleeding, p<0.0001 in patients with minor bleeding). However, there was no difference in time in therapeutic range (TTR) when the therapeutic target range of INR was 1.8~3.0 (p = 0.730). With risk analysis, serum albumin level was significantly low and weekly warfarin dose was significantly high in patients with bleeding complication (p≤0.05). Conclusions: There were differences in the values of INR, albumin and weekly warfarin dose among major bleeding, minor bleeding and no complication groups even though TTR was not significantly different among the groups. To reduce anticoagulation related complications, close monitoring and systemic anticoagulation education should be offered by experienced and knowledgeable pharmacists.


  자료수집 내용


  • 송효숙 Hyo Sook Song. 이화여자대학교 임상보건과학대학원, 연세대학교 의료원 약무국
  • 장병철 Byung Chul Chang. 연세대학교 의료원 심장혈관외과
  • 곽혜선 Hye Sun Gwak. 이화여자대학교 약학대학, 임상보건과학대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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