

기독교 입교 : 세례와 견신례


Christion Initiation Baptism and Confirmation



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자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1"Religiosidad Popular as a Form of Liturgical Catechesis," Worship, May 2003, Vo. 77, No. 3,pp. 210-224.
  • 2Models of Confirmation and Baptismal Affirmation, (Birmingham, Alabama: Religious Education Press, 1995)
  • 3"The Purpose of Confirmation Education" W. Kent Gilbert (ed), Confirmation and Education (St. Louis: Fortress Press, 1969)
  • 4"The Role of Worship in the Contemporary Study of Christian Initiation: A Select Review of the Literature." Worship, January 2001, Vo. 75, No. 1,pp. 20-35.
  • 5"Baptismal Unity in the Divided Church," Worship, November 2001, Vo. 75, No. 6,pp. 511-527.
  • 6Confirmation and Christian Education : Korean American Context네이버 원문 이동
  • 7"The Reception of Baptized Christians: A Short Course in Vatican Ⅱ Ecclesiology and Ecumenism." Worship, March 2001,Vo. 75, No. 2,pp. 130-149.
  • 8"Throwing the Baby Out with the Font Water: The Development of Baptismal Practice in the Church of the Nazarene," Worship, May 2002, Vo. 76,No. 3,pp. 225-244.
  • 9Confirmation: Presbyterian Practices in Ecumenical Perspective. Louisville: Geneva Press, 1996.
  • 10"Baptismal Practices and the Formation of Christians: A Critical Liturgical Ethics," Worship, January 2002, Vo. 76, No. 1, pp. 43 — 66.
  • 11"Christian Initiation on Two Tracks: Reflections on Liturgical Piety and Practice Among United Methodist Evangelicals," Worship, July 2003,No. 77, No. 4, pp. 308-325.
  • 12By Water and the Word: The Scriptures of Baptism, (New York: Church Publishing Incorporated, 1997)
  • 13"Evangelization, Inculturation and the RCIA," Worship, Nov. 2002, Vo. 76, No. 6, pp. 503-520.
  • 14「교육교회」 (서울: 장로회 신학대학교 기독교 교육 연구원,1990).
  • 15「교육교회」고용수,「청소년들을 위한 세례 , 입교준비의 교육목회적 요청」
  • 16「교육교회」양금희, 「독일의 기독교교육 Ⅲ: 견신례교육 Konfirmandenunterricht을 중심으로」
  • 17「청소년 세례, 입교 문답교육」
  • 18「교육교회」장희영,「독일의 입교(견신례) 교육」

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