

일부 생산직 중년 여성근로자의 역할갈등과 갱년기증상과의 관계


The Relationship Between the Role Conflict and Self-reported Climacteric Symptoms of the middle-aged industrial female workers

최란, 박재순



The purpose of this study was to analyze relationship between the role conflict and self-reported climacteric symptoms in the middle-aged industrial female workers.

The data were collected by self-reported questionnaire from Nov. ito Nov. 30, 1996.

The subjects were 201 women whose age, between 40 and 59 years.

The analysis of data was t-test, ANOVA, Scheffetest, Pearson correlation coefficient analysis, stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The results were as follows :

1. 54.8% of the respondents had their climacteric symptom in middle life.

2. Age and religion affected significantly selfreported climacteric symptoms(F=4.2P=.007 : t=-2.1, P=0.42).

3. A comparison between two groups, with high and low rate of self-reported clirmacteric symptoms, indicated that for middle-aged industrial female workers when role conflict is high, climacteric symptoms is high(t=7.8, P=000).

4. The relationship between self-reported climacteric symptoms and role conflict was

positively significant(r=.5, P=.000).

5. The role conflict as a spouse affected significantly self-reported climacteric symptoms(F=52.6,P=.000). Role conflict the role as a spouse was explained 21% of self-reported climacteric symptoms.

In conclusion, role conflict is the dominant factor in influencing self reported climacteric symptoms.


  • 최란
  • 박재순


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