

The Way of Biblical Education for Holiness in the Perspective of Interfaith


Geum-Man Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Holiness is essentially the notion that wholes, or at least some wholes, are more than merely the sum of their parts. It is a historical and communal. Holiness demands congruence between one’s conviction and action. It means liberation from ignorance and for full consciousness, joy, integration, transformation.
Biblical education for holiness accentuates solidarity, sharing life, with those who suffer poverty,
rejection, and injustice. The goal of educating in holiness is to help people experience the unity of the Biblical event and of humankind and to participate in the service of God’s people through prayer, worship, celebration, and learning experiences of suffering love.
The methods for education for holiness are varied: Bible study of the hermeneutics, whole-brain
centered brain Bible study, theological Bible study, Bible study of critical reflections and dialogue, and spectrum Bible study. Its goal is to free every Christian, congregation from isolation or the narrow confines of one group, nation, or tribe, and so free them to live the universal faith in company with all God’s people.


 Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. The Way of Holiness in God’s Enduring Covenant
 Ⅲ. The Way of Holiness and Humanity in Jesus’ Gospel
 Ⅳ. The Way of Supersession, Replacement and Contempt
 Ⅴ. The Way of Biblical Education for Holiness in the Perspective of Interfaith
 Ⅵ. Conclusion


  • Geum-Man Lee HanShin University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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