

실과 교육의 외재적 가치에 대한 재조명


Re-illumination of practical arts educations’ extrinsic value




The purpose of this study was to re-illuminate and justify practical arts educations' extrinsic value more systematically. This study was carried out through literature review and survey research. The population for this study consisted of all the 3th, 4th students currently attending at National University of Education in nationwide. A survey instrument was developed from the review of literature to collect data. Extrinsic value of practical arts education was categorized into cognitive domain, affective domain, and psycho-motor domain. Seven sub-items was involved in cognitive domain, nine sub-items was involved in affective domain, and four items sub-items was involved in psycho-motor domain. The recognitive level of students was most high in psycho-motor domain next to affective domain and cognitive domain. Students largely thought that development of emotional intelligence through plant growing and animal raising activities were most valuable in practical arts education. And also, the recognitive level in 'brain development through hands-on activity', 'emotional stability through horticulture', and 'development of using ability for tools and equipment' were relatively high. On the other hand, the recognitive level in 'understanding of life science', 'inspiration of safe consciousness', and 'career awareness and exploration' were relatively low.


  • 김용익 Kim, Yong-Ik. 광주교육대학교


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