

Research Papers

Separation and Recovery for the Analysis of Radioiodine in RI Wastes


RI 폐기물 내 방사성요오드 분석을 위한 분리 및 회수

Sang-Hoon Kang, Sun-Ho Han, Heung N. Lee, Keang-Yong Jee, In-Koo Lee

피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Various kinds of RI wastes are discharged from licensed organizations of radioisotopes les such as hospitals and clinic organizations, educational organizations, research institutions, and public organizations. Radioiodines such as are radioisotopes mainly used in nuclear medicine and industry. A method for the determination of radioiodines in RI wastes has been applied to measure low level activity using acid decomposition method and HPGe gamma ray spectrometer. Prior to analysis of real samples, reference solution and 10 g of yellow tissue paper was added to flask in mantle and was heated in 100 mL of 0.4 N and 100 mL of 9 M , and then distilled after adding 10 mL of 30% and 1 mL of 30% . The condensed iodine by circulator was extracted into , then back-extracted into the aqueous phase with 10 mL of 5% solution. Finally, was measured at 364.48 keV using HPGe gamma ray spectrometer after precipitation and filtration. Chemical yield of three steps such as acid decomposition process, chemical separation process, and precipitation and filtration process was more han 94% respectively, MDA(Minimum Detectable Activity) of at this analytical condition was 0.6 Bq/g.


RI 폐기물 내에 있는 낮은 방사능의 요오드의 함량을 결정하기 위해 산분해법과 BPGe 감마 선분광계를 이용하는 방법이 개발되었다. 분석에 앞서 모의시료인 제염지 내에 이 일정량 첨가되었으며, 100 mL의 0.4 N 와 100 mL의 9 M , 10 mL의 30% , 1 mL의 를 넣고 산분해과정을 거치면서 증류된 용액을 응축하여 포집하였다. 의 용매추출에 의한 화학 분리과정을 거친 후 를 첨가해서 얻은 AgI 침전물을 여과하고 건조하여 측정하였다. 산분해 과정, 화학 분리과정, 여과 및 침전과정 등 세 단계로 나눠 회수율을 측정한 결과, 각각 94% 이상의 회수율을 나타냈으며, 본 연구의 측정조건에서 최소검출방사능은 0.6 Bq/g이었다.


 I. 서론
 II. 실험방법
  가. 시료준비 및 산분해과정
  나. 추출과정
  다. 침전 및 여과과정
 III. 결과 및 고찰
  가. 산분해과정의 회수율
  나. 추출과정의 회수율
  다. 침전 및 여과과정의 회수율
 IV. 결론


  • Sang-Hoon Kang 강상훈. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
  • Sun-Ho Han 한선호. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
  • Heung N. Lee 이홍래. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
  • Keang-Yong Jee 지광용. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
  • In-Koo Lee 이인구. Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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