

미국의 중국언어학 연구 동향



피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper introduces major academic programs for Chinese linguistics and their researchers in
the U.S. It also discusses some of the most productively researched areas and the current research trends in Chinese linguistics in the U.S. by examining the papers recently presented at NACCL and those published in JCL and JC: LTA. It finds that syntax has been the most extensively researched area and that interdisciplinary researches are actively conducted between syntax/semantics and pedagogy. A considerable amount of research has also been carried out in such areas as phonology, dialectology, and historical linguistics. While a group of young linguists recently emerged in computational linguistics and corpus linguistics, more research still needs to done in various subfields of linguistics such as pragmatics, sociolinguistics, phonetics, and sycholinguistics.
It is also found that the diverse academic and ethnic backgrounds of researchers might help
facilitate interactions between Chinese linguists and linguists studying other languages. It is hoped that Chinese linguists in Korea play an important role in developing new methodologies for
Chinese linguistics and providing a more fruitful source of data from the Chinese language for
linguistic typological comparisons.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 주요 대학과 언어학자를 통해서 본 미국의 중국언어학계
 2.1 주요 대학과 언어학자
 2.2 기타 대학과 언어학자
 2.3 소장학자
 3. 학회와 학술지를 통해서 본 미국의 중국언어학 연구 동향
 3.1 북미중국언어학회(The North American Conference on ChineseLinguistics)
 3.2 Journal of Chinese Linguistics와 Journal of the Chinese LanguageTeachers Association
 4. 나오는 말
 【부록 : 주요 학자들의 최근 저서 및 논문 】


  • 이옥주 이화여대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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