

燕行錄의 雜技 관련 記事 연구


연행록의 잡기 관련 기사 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



I made an investigation into 29 kinds of Yeonhaengrok to describe the phase of Zaji in Qing
dynasty. As a result, I was able to find many descriptions related to Zaji. All of the descriptions
on Zaji in Yeonhaengrok can be sorted into four groups of performing arts.
The first group includes various physical performances as follow: wrestling, martial arts,
acrobatics, juggling, etc.
The second group includes various skills of imitation. Many kinds of coloured lanterns and
fireworks are the most noticeable phenomenon among them.
The third group is concerned with magic. Descriptions on magic in Yeonhaengrok are more
than others in quantity and they give us a more detailed explanation.
The fourth group is comprised of an amazing animal show. Tiger, elephant, bear, dog, monkey,
etc. are recorded on the show list.
After all, I think descriptions on Zaji in Yeonhaengrok can cover up the many aspects of
unknown history of Zaji in Qing dynasty.


1. 序言
 2. 調査對象 및 抽出記事 개괄
  2.1. 調査對象
  2.2. 抽出記事 개괄
 3. 記事考察
  3.1. 身體技藝
  3.2. 像形技
  3.3. 幻術
  3.4. 動物戱
  3.5. 公演狀況
  3.6. 韓中比較
 4. 結語


  • 안상복 강릉대 중문과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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