When we closelyexamine personnel systems at corporations and national/local governments
in Japan, insearch of appropriate methods for quality human resources development,
it isclear that competency- and performance-based personnel evaluation systems havebecome dominant.
The national trend of evaluation implementation as of the2006 school year appears to indicate that the core appraisal principles offairness, equality, objectivity, transparency, and persuasiveness aresufficiently considered in personnel evaluations in Japan. Common viewpoints among evaluations indifferent locations include the introduction of target management methods thatutilize self-evaluation; grading (absolute evaluation) based on appraisalitems, elements, as well as evaluation standard; multifaceted evaluation(primary and secondary evaluators); interviews; disclosure and feedback ofappraisal results; utilization of evaluation results in human resourcesdevelopment and ability development; utilization of evaluation results inemployee treatment; establishment of new work performance evaluation(improvement of the existing system).
Assuch, the new evaluation system goes beyond being a mere principle ofperformance
evaluation to be a manifestation of the idealism ofability-development performance.
For that reason, I would like to suggest that thefollowing issues constitute future tasks in order to develop the new personnelevaluation system in Japaninto an even more viable one:
First, principals need to secure time for understandingteachers’ execution of duties and facilitating effective interviews, as well asoptimizing a system schedule and its implementation.
Second, trustworthiness of the evaluation system andappraisal should be further improved
in the following areas: level of challengein goals at the time of evaluation; treatment of responsibilities outside thescope of appraisal; different evaluation methods of multiple evaluators;disclosure of evaluation results and processing of complaints; and the formatof proposal forms.
Third, the role of principals as developers andevaluators should be in areas such as sharing common targets with teachers;understanding teacher responsibilities; and improving
evaluation and teacher development.
Fourth, judging from situations abroad, the time hascome for the administration to consider the five major principles and tworequirements as much as possible in an evaluation system in attempting to fullyestablish a teacher personnel evaluation system across the nation as part of a publicservant personnel evaluation system reform in Japan. The five principles refer to compliance withorganization purposes, transparency, persuasiveness, fairness and equality, andobjectivity. The two requirements referto a viable complaint processing system and new labor negotiation rights.
Fifth, it is essential that as an evaluator,principals evaluate teachers’ efforts to work toward ambitious goals and givepositive feedback when reporting evaluation results to teachers. It isdesirable that principals gain an understanding of qualities, abilities,aptitude and characteristic of individual teachers, and base their decisions onthat understanding to place the right people in the right jobs, consider arequest for transfer, and provide guidance and training required.
If teachers fail to achieve goals, management isexpected to discuss the cause of failure, future tasks and solutions withteachers from the perspective of positively evaluating teachers’ professionalattitude, and help teachers set new goals. Functions of self assessment maychange depending on whether or not principals and vice principals are able toacknowledge good points of individual teachers and encourage them throughinteractive communication, and create a sense of belonging among teachers.
Due consideration should be given to thedelicate mentality of teachers. Self-reflection may encourage teachers to takeon a new challenge.
日本では教員の場においても勤務評定の形該化が当初から過去50年にもわたって指摘されてきた。評価の客観性、評定者の評価力、人材育成への活用等の課題が顕在していた。東京都や大阪府が新たな教員人事評価の先行例であるが、2006年現在、全国的な展開がなされている。構造上の特徴として以下の点が挙げられている。①「自己評価を生かした目標管理手法に基づく自己目標の設定」、②「評価者と披評価者(法定対象者との面談」、③「評価要素・評価項目の設定と職務等の対応」、④「評価基準に照らした絶対評価(段階評価)と相対評価」、⑤「多面評価」、⑥「評価期間・評価時期」、⑦「評価結果の開示(フィードバック)」、⑧「苦情対応」 ⑨「評価結果の人事管理(研修、人事配置、表彰制度、給与等)への活用のほか、⑩「評価者研修」。
1. 市町村教育長の意識-6割強の支持、時期尚早は3割-
2. 都立高校長の人事考課、学校体質に対する考え
1. 人事考課の概要
2. 人事考課実施状況から見えてきた成果、課題
1. 学校のパワーアップに向けた学校活性化ストラテジー
2. 人材育成システムの基本-「目標による管理」 と「評価・育成」
3. 目標の自己申告と目標についての面談
4. 教職員評価の方法・内容
5. 管理職等に対する評価-教職員の評価との相違