

레디믹스트콘크리트에 순환굵은골재를 치환한 R/C 보의 장기처짐에 관한 사용성 검토


A Study on Long-Term Deflection of Reinforced Concrete Beam Using Ready-Mixed Concrete Substituting Recycled Aggregate

윤승조, 서수연, 이우진, 강성덕, 김대영, 민석환

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In accordance with the national trend, although research about deflection of reinforced concrete that use nature aggregate in domestic research had been studied, they have prescribed to use the recycled aggregate compulsorily in case of over construction scale as an applicable construction of "Law about contract that the nation should be a contracting party" since 2005. However, although it has still obligated to use the recycled aggregate based on "Recycled aggregate quality standard" by Construction and Transportation Ministry, actually its study on long-term deflection of recycled aggregate is an unsatisfied situation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to resolve the technical problems for cycling concrete through its experiment and analysis of long-term deflection by the substitution rate of recycled aggregate.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험
  2.1. 사용재료
  2.2 배합설계
  2.3 실험체 계획
  2.4 실험체 가력 및 측정방법
 3. 실험결과 및 분석
  3.1 ACI 규준식
  3.2 치환율에 따른 처짐과 ACI규준식과의 비교
  3.3 치환율에 따른 처짐
 4. 결론


  • 윤승조 Yoon Seung-Joe. 충주대학교 건축공학과 교수, 공학박사
  • 서수연 Seo Soo-Yeon. 충주대학교 건축공학과 교수, 공학박사
  • 이우진 Lee Woo-Jin. 충주대학교 국제공인시험 연구센터 선임연구원, 공학박사
  • 강성덕 Kang Seong-Duk. (주)충주산업 대표이사
  • 김대영 Kim Dae-Young. 충주대학교 대학원, 석사과정
  • 민석환 Min Suk-Hwan. 충주대학교 대학원, 석사과정


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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