A Study on Applicability of Cast-In-Place Aerated Concrete Panel for Sandwich Panel inner Filler
big damage scale at fire. Hereupon got conclusion such as that durability inflects superior aerated concrete and develop sandwich panel principal parts style cast-in-place aerated concrete panel in this research 1) As inner filler for low-cost style sandwich panel, presentation is possibility of aerated concrete presentation using cement and foaming agent
2) Manufacture condition of aerated concrete for cast-in-place aerated concrete fire-resistant panel manufacture is more than smallest unit cement amount 400㎏/㎥, water w/c more than 45% and the glass fiber mixing rate more than 0.7% about unit cement amount deduction be.
3) Stud establishment space is 1.0m through panel application examination of developed aerated concrete, space of armature is 20㎝, 1th maximum placement height is 1.5m, jointing distribution time more than 9 hours.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위
2. 샌드위치 패널 내부 충전재로서의 기포콘크리트
2.1 실험 개요
2.2 배합 및 시험 방법
2.3 실험 결과
3. 기포콘크리트의 고열성상
3.1 실험 개요
3.2 실험 결과
4. 현장 타설 기포콘크리트 패널 제작 방식 개발
4.1 구조해석
4.2 패널 적용성 실험
5. 결론