

샌드위치 패널 내부 충전재로서 기포콘크리트의 적용성 검토


A Study on Applicability of Cast-In-Place Aerated Concrete Panel for Sandwich Panel inner Filler

이명효, 허재원, 김효열, 임남기

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



big damage scale at fire. Hereupon got conclusion such as that durability inflects superior aerated concrete and develop sandwich panel principal parts style cast-in-place aerated concrete panel in this research 1) As inner filler for low-cost style sandwich panel, presentation is possibility of aerated concrete presentation using cement and foaming agent
2) Manufacture condition of aerated concrete for cast-in-place aerated concrete fire-resistant panel manufacture is more than smallest unit cement amount 400㎏/㎥, water w/c more than 45% and the glass fiber mixing rate more than 0.7% about unit cement amount deduction be.
3) Stud establishment space is 1.0m through panel application examination of developed aerated concrete, space of armature is 20㎝, 1th maximum placement height is 1.5m, jointing distribution time more than 9 hours.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위
 2. 샌드위치 패널 내부 충전재로서의 기포콘크리트 
  2.1 실험 개요
  2.2 배합 및 시험 방법
  2.3 실험 결과
 3. 기포콘크리트의 고열성상
  3.1 실험 개요
  3.2 실험 결과
 4. 현장 타설 기포콘크리트 패널 제작 방식 개발
  4.1 구조해석
  4.2 패널 적용성 실험
 5. 결론


  • 이명효 Lee Myoung-Hyo. 정회원, 동명대학교 석사과정
  • 허재원 Her Jae-Won. 정회원, 동명대학교 박사과정
  • 김효열 Kim Hyo-Youl. 정회원, 김해대학 전임교수, 공학박사
  • 임남기 Lim Nam-Gi. 정회원, 동명대학교 건축대학 건축공학과 부교수, 공학박사

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