A Study on the Effective Factors of Inhabitant's Health for Healthy Housing
It is important that the designers of new building are aware of the dangers stemming from many materials and techniques, and equipped to counteract them in order to produce buildings which promote health rather then destroy it. The effects of unhealthy building are increasing on inhabitants of new housing in Korea. There is serious lack of these issues, and information
is difficult to obtain.
This research has the main objectives is to identify the effective factors which likely to be causing the health problems, and to classify the effective factors of inhabitant's health for design of health housing. And also to provide an oversight of the range of theoretical and practical approaches which have been used to produce healthy housing. The effective factors of
inhabitant's health for healthy housing can be classified with space, environment materials, construction and management.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 주민건강 관련 거주환경의 개념
2.1 거주환경과 주민건강과의 관계
2.2 주거환경에서의 질병유형
3. 주민건강 영향 일반적 요인 분류
3.1 물리적 요인
3.2 화학적 요인
3.3 생물학적 요인
3.4 기술 사회적 요인(Technical & SocialRequirements)
3.5 정신적 요인(Psychological Factor)
4. 공동주택설계 위한 주민건강 영향요인분류
4.1 공간계획적 요인
4.2 위생설비적 요인
4.3 환경계획적 요인
4.4 재료계획적 요인
4.5 시공 및 유지관리계획 요인
5. 결론