A Study on the User Behavior Characteristics of Urban Waterfronts - Focused on Waterfront of 3 Beaches in Pusan -
The purpose of this study was to analyze the user behavior characteristics of 3 urban beach waterfronts in Pusan. The urban waterfronts of Haeundea, Kwoanganri, Songdo in Pusan were chosen as sample waterfronts for the reaserch. Thesedays, the waterfront was focused as an space of leisure with abundance time and the mobility. The study progressed through activity
observation, shown the objective results, and questionnaire with a correct and prompt user response. The development of waterfronts in Pusan was made by standardized benchmarking regardless of user activities and the context of its beach. Therefore the result gives clues for the importance of the relations between a creation of urban waterfront and the behavier characteristic of user, looking for the leisure space.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 목적
1.2 연구의 방법 및 절차
2. 여가와 도심 워터프론트
2.1 여가에 대한 인식의 변화
2.2 여가공간으로서 도심워터프론트의 공간
3. 부산시 3개 도심워터프론트의 행위유형분석
3.1 일반적 현황
3.2 설문조사 분석
3.3 행위유형 분석
4. 결론