A Study on the Reformation of Evaluation System for Apartment Supervision System through Questionnaire Survey
More than 50% of residence in Korea is an apartment. To construct an apartment, many privy are engaged in contract. This
type of contract is belongs to a sale contract. Generally in sale contract, a purchaser buy a complete subject. But, in this
contract, the purchaser can not take part in the construction process. So, local Government has evaluate and select a supervisor
to supervise the incompletion and to check out the state of completion. In evaluating and selecting the supervisor, many supervision company point out that the compensation of a new first grade supervisor is not paid and to prepare the supervisor to commit in the field is very difficult.
Therefore, to guarantee the quality of apartment, past record of supervision should be enhanced, the compensation of a new first grade supervisor should be paid, criteria of supervisor change should be mitigated, and only a chief supervisor should be evaluated.
1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구내용 및 방법
2. 공동주택 감리제도 관련 현황
2.1 각종 통계 현황
2.2 선행연구 조사
2.3 관련 법령의 연혁
2.4 관련 법령의 내용
3. 설문 및 면담조사를 통한 문제점조사 및 분석
3.1 설문 및 면담조사 개요
3.2 면담조사결과
3.3 설문답변자에 대한 현황
3.4 감리회사 평가 및 지정관련 문제점
4. 감리회사 평가 및 지정과 관련 개선방안
4.1 재무상태 건실도
4.2 감리업무 수행실적
4.3 기술개발 및 투자실적
4.4 신규감리원 배치
4.5 감리원 교체빈도
4.6 가점기준
4.7 평가대상 감리원
4.8 설문 및 면담조사결과 요약
5. 결론