Recently, RFID has emerged as the main technology in the logistic services. When the existing recognition technology based on bar codes brings about lots of problem due to its own limits. RFID becomes the center of attention to solve them. However, RFID is not without any obstacles: companies have their own operating systems, while RFID is developed regardless of each company's special features. RFID middleware system based on web service is expected to remove these obstacles. This paper shows how to operate the middleware based on web service and to lay in the DB the tag informations taken from reader system. Middle assures that companies adopting RFID system for their logistic service are given adaptability to any systems whatsoever, available by way of defining logistic information, tag information and reader information. For this purpose, we implement as the basic web service a middleware system that turns all data into XML(eXtensible Markup Language) of SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), the standard data.
I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
1. 공공부문의 행정혁신
2. 지방행정의 추진방향
III. 비즈니스 365일 24시간 업무 지원 시스템 구축을 통한 혁신사례
1. 추진배경
2. 단계별 추진 계획
3. 혁신장애 및 극복
IV. 혁신 추진 실적 및 성과
V. 결론