

차세대 전자정부의 지능형 광역정보포털 모델


The model of wide-area intelligent information portal for the next generation

최준성, 노규성, 조현주, 조재완

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recently, rising of the convergence of technologies such as IT, GIS, GPS, and Sensors is developing the new information environment which enables man-to-man, man-to-object and object-to-object to exchange information anywhere and anytime. The Korean government has made great efforts to implement the virtual government with development of the next generation technologies continually and dynamically. These efforts for implementing e-government can be summarized by the citizen centered, integrated services, the customized personalization, the intellectual services, and the integration and cooperation between each offices for providing those services. Therefore, we wish to present the model of wide-area intelligent information systems which can provide services to form the future of this virtual government with GIS infrastructure in this study.


 I. 서론
 II. 차세대 가상 정부와 국가지리 정보 시스템
  1. 국가지리 정보 시스템 개념과 서비스
  2. 정부의 국가지리 정보 시스템 서비스 현황
  3. 정부의 GIS 활용 서비스
  4. 국가지리 정보 시스템 추진상의 문제점
  5. 차세대 가상 정부 서비스 구축을 위한 수요자 중심 생활지리정보서비스 도입 방안
 III. GIS 인프라를 활요한 지능형 광역 정보 시스템 모델
  1. 지능형 광역 정보 시스템 목표
  2. 지능형 광역 정보 시스템 구축 배경
  3. 지능형 광역 정보 시스템 서비스
 IV. 결론


  • 최준성 Chun Sung Choi. 전라북도 토지건축과 공학박사
  • 노규성 Kyoo Sung Noh. 선문대학교 경영학부 교수
  • 조현주 Hyun Joo Cho. 용인다솜대학 의료정보학부 교수
  • 조재완 Jae Wan Cho. 경동대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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